Earpod Wattle

> Hardwoods > Fabaceae > Acacia > auriculiformis

Earpod wattle (Acacia auriculiformis)
Earpod wattle (Acacia auriculiformis)

Common Name(s): Earpod wattle, earleaf acacia, northern black wattle

Scientific Name: Acacia auriculiformis

Distribution: Native to Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia; also planted throughout Southeast Asia

Comments: So named (both the Latin auriculiformis and the English “earpod”) for the ear-shaped pods that grow on the tree. The tree itself is of medium size and is commonly grown for fuelwood and/or pulpwood. The wood is of moderate weight and strength, but is sometimes used for specialty craft purposes.

Note: This is a truncated profile page. If you have any helpful info or experience with this wood species, feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll do my best to integrate any relevant data when I expand the page. ~Eric

Images: Drag the slider up/down to toggle between raw and finished wood.

[caption id="attachment_22043" align="alignleft" width="300"]Earpod wattle (Acacia auriculiformis) Earpod wattle (Acacia auriculiformis)[/caption]

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Kyle D Smith

I’m aware that it is an invasive evergreen problematic in Florida, so there is a decent amount of online information on how to identify and destroy it. Vietnamese companies make export furniture made from it, such as furaka.com, so there could be further info there or with Vietnamese botany departments. I believe that most Vietnamese commercially produced earpod wattle is actually hybridized with acacia mangium. I found one U.S. wood supplier, Davis Wood Essentials, that sells pen and knife blanks at twice the price of katalox. The site anyonewood.com seems to believe it’s the same as black wattle, which you… Read more »