Queensland Olive

Queensland olive (Chionanthus ramiflorus)

Common Name(s): Queensland olive, native olive, northern olive

Scientific Name: Chionanthus ramiflorus (syn. Olea paniculata)

Distribution: Northern Australia (Queensland), southern Asia, and some Pacific Islands

Average Dried Weight: 57.1 lbs/ft3 (915 kg/m3)

Janka Hardness: 2080 lbf (9240 N)*

*Estimated hardness based on specific gravity

Comments: Formerly placed in the true olive genus (as Olea paniculata), this species is now generally placed in either the Linociera genus or Chionanthus. Within Australia it is usually just referred to as ‘native olive’—though to avoid confusion with the much more popular olive tree (Olea europaea) bearing edible olives, it is listed here under the more descriptive name Queensland olive.

Note: This is a truncated profile page. If you feel this species is deserving of having its own full page, or if you have any helpful info or experience with this wood species, please leave a comment down below.

Images: Drag the slider up/down to toggle between raw and finished wood.

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Identification: See the article on Hardwood Anatomy for definitions of endgrain features.

Queensland olive (endgrain 10x)
Queensland olive (endgrain 1x)
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